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XML parser sample 2 (40503.xml)

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/layout/item-tooltip.xsl"?><page globalSearch="1" lang="en_us" requestUrl="/item-tooltip.xml">
  2.   <itemTooltips>
  3.     <itemTooltip>
  4.       <id>40503</id>
  5.       <name>Valorous Cryptstalker Tunic</name>
  6.       <icon>inv_chest_chain_15</icon>
  7.       <overallQualityId>4</overallQualityId>
  9.       <bonding>1</bonding>
  10.       <classId>4</classId>
  11.       <equipData>
  12.         <inventoryType>5</inventoryType>
  13.         <subclassName>Mail</subclassName>
  14.       </equipData>
  15.       <damageData/>
  17.       <bonusAgility>67</bonusAgility>
  18.       <bonusStamina>87</bonusStamina>
  19.       <bonusIntellect>45</bonusIntellect>
  20.       <armor armorBonus="0">1286</armor>
  21.       <socketData>
  22.         <socket color="Red"/>
  23.         <socket color="Blue"/>
  25.       </socketData>
  26.       <durability current="0" max="140"/>
  27.       <allowableClasses>
  28.         <class>Hunter</class>
  29.       </allowableClasses>
  30.       <requiredLevel>80</requiredLevel>
  31.       <bonusHasteRating>58</bonusHasteRating>
  33.       <bonusHitRating>44</bonusHitRating>
  34.       <spellData>
  35.         <spell>
  36.           <trigger>1</trigger>
  37.           <desc>Increases attack power by 170.</desc>
  38.         </spell>
  39.       </spellData>
  41.       <setData>
  42.         <name>Cryptstalker Battlegear</name>
  43.         <item name="Cryptstalker Handguards"/>
  44.         <item name="Cryptstalker Headpiece"/>
  45.         <item name="Cryptstalker Legguards"/>
  46.         <item name="Cryptstalker Spaulders"/>
  47.         <item name="Cryptstalker Tunic"/>
  48.         <setBonus desc="Your pet deals an additional 5% damage." threshold="2"/>
  50.         <setBonus desc="Your ranged attack speed is increased by 20% while Aspect of the Viper is active." threshold="4"/>
  51.       </setData>
  52.       <itemSource areaId="4603" areaName="" creatureId="0" creatureName="" difficulty="" dropRate="1" value="sourceType.creatureDrop"/>
  53.     </itemTooltip>
  54.   </itemTooltips>
  55. </page>

One of the XML paragraphs provided for the XML parser implementations series.

From on 09 January 2009. Copyright Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. Included on this site in accordance with Blizzard's published copyright policy as of 09 January 2009.

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