GnuPG keys on USB

This is a reasonably simple process. Most of the process can be found in this Enigmail forum discussion.

  1. Move the GnuPG keys to a USB drive. (For the purpose of this discussion, I will assume that the USB drive is X: and the directory on the drive is .gnupg.)
  2. On the computer (not on the USB drive), change gpg.conf to include these directives:
    keyring X:\.gnupg\pubring.gpg
    primary-keyring X:\.gnupg\pubring.gpg
    secret-keyring X:\.gnupg\secring.gpg
    trustdb-name X:\.gnupg\trustdb.gpg

    Under Mac OS X, assuming a volume name of USB drive, you would add:

    keyring /Volumes/USB drive/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
    primary-keyring /Volumes/USB drive/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
    secret-keyring /Volumes/USB drive/.gnupg/secring.gpg
    trustdb-name /Volumes/USB drive/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg

    For Linux, it should be the same as for OS X but /Volumes/USB drive would be replaced by the mount point used for the drive.

  3. And that's it.

If you want to use an encrypted partition or filestore, e.g. through TrueCrypt, the above instructions are still valid. However, you would point it to wherever you have TrueCrypt mount the encrypted partition or filestore.

My PGP key

I finally went through the process of setting up a PGP key. The fingerprint is:

9A86 1FA4 DADE 9C93 F2B0  7C23 38E9 ECDE D61A 0437

You can retrieve the key from a public keyserver or you can download it here.

(There is another PGP key with a fingerprint ending in FCD4 761B but I prefer that it is not used.)

The PGP key was created following the steps used by Ana Guerrero in her blog post.

To make use of PGP, I have set up pinepgp for PINE and Enigmail for Thunderbird. (I'm trying to move away from PINE because it's not working out particularly well but I still have a lot of mail and other such used in it.) I haven't set up PGP on my iBook yet but that's one of my projects for the next few days. I also want to move the PGP keys to a USB drive for security but I haven't started on that process yet either. I will include more information on both when I have them set up.

Infix, Prefix, Postfix, Oh My

Any professionally taught programmer eventually has to learn binary trees. Some high school students are exposed early as part of the AP Computer Science AB exam but most have to learn it as part of a data structures course in college.

There are three ways to read a binary tree:

  • Prefix: Root node, then left child, then right child
  • Infix: Left child, then root node, then right child
  • Postfix: Left child, then right child, then root node

Take, for example, this really simple binary tree:

The ways to read this are:

  • Prefix: + 2 3
  • Infix: 2 + 3
  • Postfix: 2 3 +

The infix reading of this tree resembles (and, in fact, is) the standard way we write and interpret simple mathematical equations. "Two plus three equals..." (As an aside, all simple mathematical equations can be expressed as a binary tree. I'm not happy with the tools I have available to render trees right now so I will leave this as an exercise for you, the reader.)

The postfix reading should be familiar to anyone who owns a Hewlett-Packard graphing calculator. This form of representing mathematical equations is most commonly referred to as Reverse Polish notation. Postfix ordering of mathematical expressions is commonly used for rendering stack-based calculators, usually in assignments for a programming class.

The prefix reading resembles the standard way we use constructs in programming languages. If we had to represent "2 + 3" using a function, we would write something like plus( 2, 3 ). This is most clearly shown with LISP's construct ( + 2 3 ). Haskell's backtick operators around infix operators, e.g. `div`, have a side effect of reminding programmers that most functions are prefix-oriented.

So why discuss reading binary trees anyway? In a classroom, teaching the student how to read a binary tree leads to the student being able to program a way to read a binary tree which will then lead to other things. Here, I discuss reading them as background for the next post which may itself lead to other things.

Edit: (11 May 2009) Unfortunately, in the process of writing the next post, I realized that the entire premise of the post was invalid. So the next post will probably not have anything to do with trees.

Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report 2009

Via Dr. Anton Chukavin's post, I found the 2009 Verizon Business Data Breach Investigations Report. The document is a fascinating read to get an idea of the state of things last year. Chances are that this year will build on last year.

The targeting of financial institutions by organized crime entities is surprising to me and yet not surprising. Based on the behavior of would-be fraud perpetrators I have observed, there are a lot of credit card numbers out in the wild with little rhyme or reason to them. Compromising a financial institution or a merchant account provider, e.g. Heartland, would be an easy way to get credit card numbers into the open. However, the interest in account numbers and PINs is more disturbing and provides less recourse for the victim. This trend can be seen even in the US where ATM skimmers are becoming more prevalent.

The major thing I come away from the report with is: The big fish have a lot more to be worried about in the past. But that doesn't mean the small fish are safe in the water.

Changes Because of Piston 2.0

As mentioned elsewhere, I maintain the local copy of this site through a combination of subversion and Piston. Sometime in the past couple months, version 2.0.1 (and now version 2.0.2) of Piston was released and, when I updated my local Ruby gems, ended up upgrading.

Piston 2 allows for the ability to use Piston with Git as well as subversion. This requires significant changes to the backend. So in order to use Piston 2 with existing Piston-managed copies, you must first upgrade those copies to use Piston 2's new format. This can be done with piston upgrade.

Piston 1 stores all of its backend information as properties within subversion. Piston 2 instead saves it to a special file, called .piston.yml, since properties are not available with Git. To use this with a public site, access to .piston.yml should be blocked. This can be done with this directive:

RedirectMatch 404 /\\.piston.yml$

After doing all of this, I encountered a bug with Piston. Every time I tried to update a Piston-managed directory, I got an error like:

/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/piston-2.0.2/lib/piston/svn/revision.rb:30:in `check
out_to': Did not get the revision I wanted to checkout.  Subversion checked out
280, I wanted 280 (Piston::Svn::Revision::InvalidRevision)

280 is equal to 280, isn't it?

I'm not sure why this behavior would manifest. I did not see anything on it. I suspect it may be an issue with the upgrade process. A simple, hacky solution was to change line 29 from:

          elsif revision != $1.to_i then


          elsif revision.to_i != $1.to_i then

(I haven't filed a bug report on this but I will shortly.)

After doing this, Piston ran normally as expected and I could install the pending updates for the Drupal modules.


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